Business and a Little Enjoyment Mixed Together

Recently members of the Vinpower Digital staff traveled to Oregon on a business trip to meet with a major American company.  The reason for the trip was to discuss new directions for future generations of our duplication lines (stay tuned to future blog entries where I will announce this new product).  Considering the meeting was on a Friday, we figured we could stay over an extra day as a fun business retreat as well.  Oregon is a beautiful state with lush green mountains and huge waterfalls.  Beyond business, it allowed our engineers an opportunity to get out of their offices and away from their computers for a day and enjoy life in nature.  It’s good to recharge your batteries and our staff works extremely hard and long hours, so any free time is very precious and they take full advantage of it.  Below are a few select snapshots from our short getaway:


Tom, Peter, Eddie, & Ryan dressed for success as we prepare to enter our meeting.


After our meeting Peter and Tom find some relaxation watching the ducks in the stream near our hotel.


Even picking Blueberries, Calvin’s mind is still on work as he compares the large plump Blueray berries to the new high capacity Blu-ray discs.


Tom, Peter, and Eddie pose in front of a massive waterfall near Portland, OR.

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