It’s not difficult to see that the landscape for the retail marketplace is completely different than even just 5 to 10 years ago. At one time, there were strong distribution centers and retail stores and sites that gave the consumer choices and allowed for a healthy channel for manufacturers, distributors, and resellers to all coexist. Now, it feels as though those channels are contracting and many larger manufacturers are bypassing the middlemen and going direct to the consumers. Platforms like Amazon make it easy to sell direct, which has increasingly shrunk the marketplace. Long time staples in the retail market, like Toys R Us, Blockbuster, Radio Shack, and many many others have all gone the way of the Dodo bird, with unrest of similar major retails like Sears to follow. The market is trending toward new ways of consuming products and the lines between manufacturers and their dealer channels are becoming blurred, often competing directly against those they claim to support.
If you’re in the duplication market, you’re already concerned about the shrinking marketplace for your product or service. You don’t want to worry about whether you are being undercut through direct competition from your suppliers. The good news is that Vinpower’s OPTODISC gives you an alternative to the the shrinking network of options for high quality, low cost, recordable optical discs. OPTODISC respects the channel and wants to see a healthy marketplace, even in a niche field like ours. Plus, OPTODISC offers virtually every format of media, with every surface type, like white inkjet, white thermal, silver top, logo top, etc., meaning you don’t have to sacrifice options when looking for a new reliable source of media. OPTODISC maintains the highest levels of quality, reliability, and compatibility that can only be found in a smaller, more focused factory. Plus, with our lower overhead, we can offer similar and even better pricing when compared to the major factories.
OPTODISC can OEM and provide specialized packaging to make sure you can meet your customer’s requirements while maintaining the differentiation needed to be competitive in the market. OPTODISC respects the autonomy of the sales channels, and we want to build you up so your growth in turn helps propel our growth. As the saying goes, the rising tide lifts all boats…
For more details about the OPTODISC media or any of Vinpower’s product lines, please visit, www.vinpowerdigital.com, or contact a local sales representative neat you.