Having a global presence, Vinpower often discovers that certain products have more appeal than others in specific regions.


It’s no secret that the optical disc duplication market has shown significant signs of shifting. The once dominant DVD format has lost some ground to other digital formats, such as USB or streaming. However, optical disc duplication remains the predominant method of storing and sharing content.

Therefore, instead of spending this time telling you what Vinpower is promoting, I would like to make this a more interactive discussion and get your feedback as to what you want to see in the market. In some areas, flash duplicators are soaring, while in others, they are very sluggish. In some markets, Blu-ray has not taken its place on the mantle as the new primary recording format; in others, it has already leapfrogged DVD. What do you see in the market these days? What product(s) are popular and which have taken a dive or failed to launch as you had anticipated?

If you’d like to participate in an open dialogue, go to Vinpower’s Facebook page, leave your comments, and read those from others:


I look forward to reading everyone’s comments or questions.

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