Vinpower’s TITAN Supreme Autoloader series offers time saving Auto features for the copy, compare, and copy plus compare features.


The primary benefit of an Optical Disc (CD, DVD, BD) autoloader is the convenience and lack of effort and manpower needed to operate the device. The ability to copy thousands of discs robotically, with minimal human interaction, is a tremendous plus to those with heavier duplication requirements.

Yet, most autoloaders require the user to spend a lengthy amount of time preparing and programing the master content to be copied and/or compared to the original master before they can actually begin the duplication process. That is why Vinpower created the beneficial Auto-Copy, Auto Compare, and Auto-Copy and Compare features. Each of these features allow the user to merely place the master content on top of the stacked media on the 1st input spindle and push a single operation button and the loader will handle the rest. It couldn’t be easier!

The TITAN Supreme is not only the most productive standalone disc autoloader on the market, it’s probably the easiest to use as well. Contact Vinpower today for more information.

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