A Cautionary Tale

Earlier this month, Vinpower Digital’s CEO Calvin Chang was involved in a car accident (see images below). Fortunately no one was hurt and Mr. Chang was not at fault as he had the right of way when the other driver made a left turn in front of him. Fortunately for Mr. Chang he was driving a safe car with crumple zones and airbags that prevented this accident from becoming far worse. This is a cautionary tale because it shows how important the equipment is that you put your faith and sometimes life in the hands of. From large or small, it’s critical that you ensure you’re protected if the unexpected should happen.

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Much the same in duplication, when everything is running smoothly, all products seem to work the same. But it’s during those times of difficulty, whether it be a poor work environment, low grade media, 2nd tier or old drives, or any number of combinations that could lead to defective or low quality copies that you learn the difference between a good buy and simply a cheap buy.

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