Optical Quantum with Vinpower Digital introduces a new line of Water-Resistant inkjet printable CD & DVD media: Optical Quantum Best Print Water-Resistant Media using Liquid-Defense.

Los Angeles, CA November, 2006 – Optical Quantum in collaboration with Vinpower Digital has developed a line of Water-resistant inkjet printable CD and DVD media. Branded as Optical Quantum Best Print Water-Resistant Media using Liquid-DefenseTM (‘OQBP’), it’s certain to revolutionize the printable media market. The OQBP water-resistant media is a new innovation using nanoparticle technology. It secures the printed matter to the disc preventing moisture from separating the ink which causes smearing and bleeding.

Previously, traditional inkjet printing was considered inferior to the more expensive thermal printing because the inkjet printed image could smear or bleed if it were to come into contact with moisture. OQBP water-resistant media changes all that. The media has a hub printable surface offering vibrant photo quality up to 4800dpi. The discs dry almost instantly and are highly resistant to smearing and color bleed when exposed to water and humidity. In addition to the brilliant water-resistant printing surface, the OQBP media is developed with the highest standards for optimal duplication reliability and playback capability.

OQBP water-resistant media is available with a white or silver printable surface offering superior color and quality. Yet it is priced at a fraction of the price for alternative water resistant media. This allows the everyday user the ability to afford and utilize inkjet printing without the fear of the image smearing or bleeding on the disc due to inadvertent exposure to water.


About Optical Quantum


Optical Quantum provides the highest quality blank media at the best value for the consumer. To meet the growing demands of the rapidly expanding blank media market, Optical Quantum provides a variety of CD’s & DVD’s to choose from. Working with Vinpower Digital, Optical Quantum was able to develop an exclusive line of water-resistant media at an affordable price for the common user. Vinpower Digital is an innovative manufacturer of standalone CD/DVD duplication equipment. At Optical Quantum, we believe in offering top quality blank media that best meets the customer’s needs at a price everyone can afford.


For further information about Optical Quantum’s line of blank media including the new water-resistant media using Liquid-DefenseTM, please visit www.opticalquantum.com. For more information about Vinpower Digital and their line of duplication equipment, please visit www.vinpowerdigital.com.

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