DSE Trade Show in Japan

Recently, a member of our staff from Taiwan went to Japan to assist promote our products at the DSE trade show. This is a brief account of her journey.

Due to an overlap in the the timing of the DSE trade show in Japan and the Svyaz Expocomm trade show in Moscow, Russia, our staff was spread thin and I had to attend the DSE trade show on my own along with our distributor Soho. This was quite challenging to me since the last time I was in Japan was over 10 years ago. Yet, I felt very fortunate to be able to represent Vinpower Digital. Plus, I was in a better situation than many other company representatives because I merely had to assist our local distributor. It was still quite a challenge being the only representative from Vinpower to conduct meetings with both our distributor Soho and major drive manufacture and our ODM customer, Plextor Corporation. Though it was quite a task, I was proud to be trusted with such an important responsibility. Even though I was worried about the results of the show, the immense size of the convention center made me feel less tense. Seeing so many booths made me feel as though I was not alone and that there were many other people feeling like me.

The DSE show was only 5 minute walking distance from our hotel, so it was easy to get to. It was nice to be able to take in all of the beautiful images of Japan. Tokyo is an amazing city and is very clean and the people are very polite and friendly.

The show is focused on data storage products and companies. Of all the attendees, 90% were Japanese. So the focus on the show was on the Japanese market. From this you can tell how much emphasis the Japanese put on system management being done by computers. Most all systems were controlled by some automated or computer programmed interface.

Even though there were additional duplication controllers on display, our own controller was strongly represented. From the software in our controller board to the design of our casing, which are developed exclusively by Vinpower, our exceptional functionality and quality was very well received. In addition, many were impressed by our cooperation with the Plextor Corporation as they are a very respected company within the industry.

This was a very good experience for me and a successful exhibit for Soho and Vinpower Digital, I hope to come back again next year.

Vinpower Booth at DSE

Mandy and Soho @ Vinpower Booth at DSE


Mandy posing with TITAN PRO at DSE


Mandy posing with the Statue of Liberty in JAPAN!

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