2008 IT Month in Taipei

IT Month is the most important exhibition for consumers in Taiwan. The Vendors will introduce new product releases at the show and lower their prices to encourage consumers to buy immediately. This is important now especially since the whole world is under an economic sag. Taipei is first stop of the tour and moves on to Taichung, Kaohsiung ,Tainan. In total, the traveling vendor exhibition attracted around two million visitors throughout the duration of the show in 2007.


The president, Mr. Ma ,in the middle attend the 2008 opening ceremony.

Samsung promoted their LCD TV 5 & 6 Series and BD player at the exhibition but took different approaches in their sales strategy. For example, the original price of the Samsung「BD-P1500」BD Player is NTD22,900 (approx. USD $690). However, the consumer can get a price of NTD14,900 (approx. USD $450) if they buy a LCD TV along with the BD player. Samsung is offering the consumer to get a free「BD-P1500」or get a discounted price of NTD6,990 (approx. USD $200) depending on which LCD TV they Buy.

BD Player of Samsung「BD-P1500」

Also during the show, Pioneer introduced a new Blu-ray Disc. It is transparent with a 400GB capacity (16 layers of 25GB each). Sure it can hold an amazing amount of data, but at what’s sure to be an astronomical price, we’ll have to see if it is worth it or not.
400GB transparent Blu-ray Disc

Although, it doesn’t matter whether the news is about new products or promotion of existing products, we can tell that the Blu-ray market is improving and will have an influence on the end user in the near future.

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