From tinfoil to optical discs, the history of recorded sound is music to my ears

History of recorded sound

Every once in a while, we like to take the opportunity to redirect these weekly email blasts from promotional to educational. As we explore and pick up interesting tidbits, we like to share them with you all. In this case, a co-worker went to a museum offering an exhibit on sound and snapped an interesting picture on the history of recorded sound. Having grown up in a time where there was always amplified sound coming from virtually everything we interacted with, radio, TV, movies, records, tapes, even video games, I never knew a life without it. But the advent of a medium to record and rebroadcast sounds was only invented in the late 1800’s. Imagine never being able to hear music unless you went to a live performance or the only way you could receive information was through writings or telegraph. I don’t know about you, but sound permeates our house constantly, from listening to podcasts or music while getting ready in the morning to my kids glued to their screens watching the latest videos on YouTube or TikTok.

This brings me to the point that audio recordings are a staple in the lives or those that can hear them, and even to those that can’t through the soundwaves vibrations. Because these audio recordings can stir up a magnitude of emotions, understandings, and teachings, it’s important to know that whichever medium you store these recordings on, they will be available for you whenever you want them. That’s why Vinpower offers a bevvy or devices that allow you to capture and save those recordings for many many years into the future. Whether it’s a classic CD, flash and SSD memory, or through some type of digital audio player, like an iPhone or laptop, Vinpower has a high quality hi-fidelity method to help you record, store, and enjoy that content for years to come.

To learn more about this item, or any of Vinpower’s line of products, visit, or speak with a Vinpower representative in your area.

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