Disney stopped making DVD’s, but not stopping DVD distribution of their titles

Disney DVD moving to Sony

It’s being reported that Disney is in the process of transitioning its physical home entertainment business to a licensing model. The studio will start with a licensing agreement with Sony, which will see Sony handle marketing, selling, and distributing physical media (4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray, DVD, etc.) of any new Disney releases and older catalog titles to consumers via retailers and distributors in the U.S. and Canada1. That sounds scary for those of us still dedicated to physical media, like another death nail in the coffin of optical discs. But in reality, it’s simply a financial decision to outsource the licensing rights for production of the Disney titles to a 3rd party. Ultimately, everyone will still be able to buy the Disney movie titles they want, it will just be made and distributed by another company. Ultimately, we’ll all still be able to purchase the Blu-ray version of Toy Story, or Monsters, Inc., and as a consumer, we won’t notice any difference.

But, there’s still a caveat that as production of content becomes consolidated, the determination as to what content is produced will now be a numbers game and not because the content creator wants to continue the brand. Especially when one company is paying a licensing fee for the rights to produce that content. That means if you have a favorite movie or movies that are not mainstream enough, and you don’t already own a DVD or Blu-ray copy, there may come a time where that title will be very difficult or expensive to obtain and view, if at all. So, it’s important to always get a copy of those favorite movies to keep on hand, so you’ll always have it available when you want it.

Don’t leave it to the discretion of big corporations, get your own copies of the movies you want. Otherwise, it may no longer be an option.

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