The iXCharger will have a soft launch for select customers in July, make sure you’re on the list

In line for iXCharger

Similar to when you’re expecting a new addition to your family, there’s lots of excitement and anticipation for the initial launch of a new product. The iXCharger, a 65W, up to 1TB of memory, charging storage cube has been incubating for quite some time and it’s nearly ready to burst onto the scene. The first pilot production run is anticipated for July and there is already a waiting list of early adopter influencers and industry tastemakers that have been patiently waiting for months to get the 1st iXChargers off the production line.

Much like when the first cellphone added a camera feature. That enhancement eventually became not just the standard for the industry, but a significant selling feature for all cellphones to follow. The iXCharger has the potential to revolutionize the power and storage industry in the same way. If you haven’t already put your name on the list, best to contact us now to be added.

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