The most priceless possessions you own are your memories, the best way to protect them is on optical discs

protect memories

Living in California, there have been a number of major fires in multiple locations throughout the state. This seems to be a horrible recurring theme in the state due to extremely hot and dry weather. When I think about what I would want to take with me, after making sure my family is safe, my first thought it to protecting the items that are the most irreplaceable. These are items that if lost can often never be replaced, such as photographs, videos, and mementos that represent a person’s life and the lives of those they care about. If those items are merely kept as standard pictures, film, or even stored on a hard drive, natural elements like fire, water, and mud can completely destroy them. However, optical discs are more durable and can withstand being submerged in water or covered in mud, even extreme heat if stored in a safe place. So, if you are able to store all digital images and content onto optical discs, there’s a greater chance they will still endure should a disaster strike. Just like you shouldn’t keep all your eggs in one basket, it’s always wise to keep the most important content stored on multiple sources; possibly in the cloud and on 1 or more hard drives, but for the most protection. I would strongly suggest that at least one of your safety nets remain optical discs.

Hopefully, most of us may never experience a major catastrophe, but there are still small isolated incidents like a house fire, burglary, computer virus, or any number of incidents that could cause you to lose mementos and content that you could never replace. That’s why it’s so critical that you have adequate back-ups. We at Vinpower hope you will take the time to safeguard your treasures and back them up on optical discs.

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