Contact Vinpower to schedule a meeting time during the 2018 Computex Jun 5th – 9th

Computex 2018

If you’re planning to attend the 2018 Computex trade show in Taiwan, taking place June 5th through 9th at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, we invite you to schedule an appointment to meet with us during the show. Vinpower’s booth will be located at TWTC Nangang, 1F J1017a, where we will be showcasing our Duplication grade media, hardware and the latest advances in duplication writer drives, professional line of flash and HDD/SSD duplicators and introduce a new series of flash drives and related products, including the iXflash. To fully appreciate all the new and improved products Vinpower will showcase, you’ll certainly have to visit and see for yourselves.

Computex is one of the largest CE and ICT expos today, and attracts visitors from all over the world looking for technology products and partners. Vinpower has exhibited at Computex for over 10 years and has seen first-hand how much it’s grown. If you plan to attend Computex, this is a great opportunity to schedule an appointment to visit our booth to see our latest product offerings and how we can help your business grow within the duplication and memory market. We will be located at Booth # 1F J1017a inside the NangGang Exhibition Hall of TWTC.
The new Daisy Chain towers boasts an upgraded controller and connections between systems, which enables the individual towers to not only burn faster, but also smoother and easier than the original models. In creating a smoother burning process creates a more stable duplication environment dramatically reducing the risks of failed burns across the towers. Even if there is one or two failed burns, the new daisy chain duplicators will not allow those failed burns to negatively impact the rest of the drives across the other towers in the chain, maintain a much higher success rate.

To schedule an appointment for a meeting during Computex, or for more details about the many product offerings available and upcoming, visit, or contact a Vinpower representative today.

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