Once again, Vinpower will exhibit at the 2018 National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) trade show in Las Vegas, NV, which takes place April 9 – 12, 2018. While attending the show, here’s your opportunity to visit Vinpower’s booth located in the South Hall, booth # SL8908 to see our latest line of duplicator hardware and media offerings as well as our exciting new encrypted flash devices.
If you haven’t already secured your entry pass for this year’s NAB, here’s another opportunity to reserve your entry pass to the show for free! But the offer is only good for a limited time, so don’t delay. Simply click on the following link: https://registration.experientevent.com/ShowNAB181/?FlowCode=ATT&MarketingCode=LV6868 or visit the www.nabshow.com and use the discount code: LV6868, to obtain your free exhibition pass.
For more details on any of the products that Vinpower carries, please visit our website at www.vinpowerdigital.com, or speak with an official Vinpower representative near you.