As I watch the basketball playoffs, it seems as though the players are getting younger and more talented every year. In fact young athletes are being groomed beginning in elementary school for a future in professional basketball. Throughout the country, there are basketball tournaments taking place where scouts from high schools, colleges and the pros are watching and critiquing these athletes to bring in the best for their programs. Since basketball is such a visual experience where video of an athlete can tell far more than their stats, there is always at least 1 videographer filming the games. These videographers create DVD’s showcasing not only the game itself, but also the individual athletes of interest. To disseminate these DVD’s the videographer typically has a mobile production studio with them including a standalone duplicator.
Videographers are making a lucrative living filming and distributing the DVD’s of various athletic events and athletes. With the prices of duplicators and blank media continuously falling, the cost of entry is lower and lower which means the return on investment often take place from the first event. I’m seeing more and more part time videographers leave their standard 9 to 5 so that they can focus on their new found career choice. Now when people think about having a career in sports, maybe they should think about life behind the camera instead of on the court.